Most of us are familiar with the words of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 5 where He was addressing the law. It may look like He was making corrections to the law but that is not so. The law is perfect and has nothing wrong with it. What Jesus was addressing was the people's understanding of the law. The people had misunderstood the Spirit of the law therefore they were not able to get the message God was communicating through Moses. I used to think Jesus was introducing new things, but I have found the things He said in Matthew 5 in the Psalms and other books of scriptures. Jesus was revealing the righteous standard of God which is contrary to ours. If we don’t understand His standards, we might think we are okay and not as bad as the people around us. One vital thing we must know if we want a fruitful Christian life is that righteousness is what God calls it, not what we call it. If you are reading the scriptures and you see how harshly God reacts to a thing, it means that thing is a great issue not that God has problems. We look to God and observe His ways to know what is right and what is wrong. It is risky to walk with God using societal morality. When we study the bible, it is to learn holiness and righteousness according to the mind of God.